uPI(e) Menu Upgrade Guide

This guide is going to show, how to easily upgrade uPIe from the basic version (dll version) to pro version (full sourcecode) without losing any of the settings that were made in the base version.

IMPORTAT: Do the following steps BEFORE switching to the pro version!

1. Save your uPIe menus

While still using the dll-version simply click uPIe Tools -> Upgrade Helper -> Save Scene Menus. Now all uPIe menus in the scene will be stored on the hard drive. The console window will provide information about this process, and should show the following message:

Successfully saved X uPIe menu(s)
When done setting up all scenes, the directory X is no longer of use and can be deleted

Now do this with all scenes that contain uPIe menus.

2. Upgrade to pro

When all menus in your project are saved (step 1 done with all scenes containing uPIe menus), the dll-version of uPIe can be deleted from your project. After that import the pro-version via the asset store.

3. Restore saved menus

Now simply click uPIe Tools -> Upgrade Helper -> Load Scene Menus. A dialogue will show up that needs to be confirmed. So click Yes and after that all uPIe menus in the scene are set up exacly the way they were before the upgrade. Again the console window will provide information about the load process. The following message should appear:

Successfully set up X uPIe menu(s)
When done setting up all scenes, the directory X is no longer of use and can be deleted

4. Remove temp data (optional)

When everything is set up the temporarily saved data is no longer of use and can be deleted. Click uPIe Tools -> Upgrade Helper -> Remove Temp Data to do so.

5. Enjoy

That's it. Now you should be ready to be productive with the pro-version of uPIe :)